
Copyright Friendly Clip Art and Photos [Attribution is encouraged even when not required!]:
  • Pics4Learning - A library of images donated by students, teachers, photographers. Permission to use AND citation information right under the picture!
  • WPClipart - All images are public domain. While originally created for Word Processing and printing, they work well as web images.
  • Wikimedia Commons - Many thousands of images. Scroll down under full sized image to see the particular licensing for this particular image. Almost all require attribution; some, but only a few do not allow derivative works (which means you can't edit the picture.)
  • Ookaboo - Creative commons site for finding great (free) images for class work.
  • Find Icons-  Nice site for free icons.
Music and loops - Again, even when not required attribution is encouraged.

  • JewelBeat - Great songs, loops, sound effects to use in projects.
  • FreePlay Music - Music uploads by various artists.  Can search by style, feel, or keyword. Free for classroom use only and project must be related to the curriculum.  Not for web posting.