Art Tools

Drawing, editing, painting, etc.

Resize an imag

 Drawing and editing tools such as: Gimp, CleVR, picnic, ArtPad, Aviary

PicMonkey - Simple photo editor - good replacement for picnic.

Sketch faces from multiple 'pieces' 

Create banners

Create thumbnails for web pages

Draw, Paint, Download image!

Draw Sketch Paint

 Adding effects (glitz): Rock You and Photo Peach

Add effects to photos with PhotoFunia!

 Photo Flexer - simple photo editing.

 Tux Paint - K-6 - download drawing program

 Creating cartoons with Bitstrips or with Comic Creator.

Create 3-D
 Blender - open source download

 Here are posts which deal with animation.  They have appeared previously within this blog.

General Animation tools such as: Pivot, Flashberry, Scratch

Adding some Flash elements without owning Flash.

Animated Video with GoAnimate.

Animated movies with Xtranormal.

Pencil - traditional 2-D animation